Friday, March 15, 2013

Communication in Marriage

Whew! Now I think I'm on track and up to date. ^_^
  THIS week we have been discussing how to communicate with your spouse and how each person has their own language and that we are always encoding whatever we are saying or not saying. You can never not communicate.
  I think this week is my favorite so far. I LOVE learning about communication and how one hints at things or how they use their body language to talk. I use my body language a lot more than I do with spoken words. It's rather frustrating when people don't "get" my language. It's really like they don't understand me at all. But when there is someone who really does seem to "get" it more often than not than it makes you feel special and incredible. And it feels you have a special connection to that person.
  But even in marriage you do not always understand what the other is trying to communicate. So whenever you don't you need to make sure you express your misunderstanding openly and "identify the elephant." You're in a marriage. There must be no secrets and as little misunderstandings as possible.

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