Monday, April 1, 2013

Importance of Fathers

I have loved discussing about Fathers and the importance of having them and not just having one but having an involved and caring one to his children. I find Father essential to the family and I'll put some of my essay I wrote for class on here so you can get what my main thoughts are on the subject:

1.      "Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure.” I find this very important because I think every individual needs to have emotional security in their life. If they do not then they could end up doing all sorts of regretful things like doing drugs, having friends in the “wrong crowd”… or they may just be depressed a lot and shy and not want to communicate or socialize with very many people. I’m not saying that if they do not have a Father that they will for sure be that way, but just a Mother or an uninvolved Father will not help that security. I believe that good Fathers make one feel quite secure. I know my Father does that for me.

2.      “The way fathers play with their children also has an important impact on a child's emotional and social development…. children learn how to regulate their feelings and behavior.” I love this part because children really do need that play-time with their Fathers. They do not get it from their Mothers as much so when the Father plays and has that one-on-one interaction it helps them to relax and just be themselves and understand their feelings better. When I was a child my favorite time was play-time with Daddy because it made me feel like I could just laugh and be without worrying about getting in trouble.

3.      “Children with involved, caring fathers have better educational outcomes.” I find this rather important. Very important actually! Education will help one with how well they do in school, which will result with what kind of career they want and are able to have. It will help develop their interests by what they are good at and it also helps them socially. I think the kind of education you have effects what kind of people you interact with which will create who you are and what your motivations are. Education is a big deal when it comes to someone’s life and if a good, caring involved Father helps then I think we very much need good fathers.

4.      “…having a positive male role model helps an adolescent boy develop positive gender-role characteristics.” A boy needs to know who he is and how he should act and be like because that is how God intended him to be. He needs to know that he is the breadwinner of the home when he becomes an adult, how to treat women, how to be protective and loving to women and children… I think every boy needs to know that and I think that they need a Father to show them how to be a boy because a mom cannot do it… she’s not a boy.

5.      “Adolescent girls are more likely to form positive opinions of men and are better able to relate to them when fathered by an involved father.” Ah! This is extremely important! Girls need to have a positive point of view on men because too often are girls skeptical about men and assume the worst in them. I think if more Fathers would take time to be involved in their daughter’s life that there would be more girls that understood men and how they act and wouldn’t find it so foreign and undesirable. Men are wonderful I know that there needs to be more father involvement in their daughter’s life because it will help our society immensely.
Those are my main five points on what I find very important about Fathers and and Fatherhood. We NEED to have a Father and a Mother and a healthy family unit. I know it's really hard to do but we need to try our hardest to create the healthiest faily as possible. 

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