Monday, April 1, 2013


I've absolutely loved talking about parenting this last week because that is one of the things I am most worried about in the future because I want to raise happy, wise, and righteous children without being a cruel mother but not being to slack as well. And I also want to keep them safe but I do not want to be too protective of them that they just cannot grow and develop and expand. Here's a list of some good things to know:
Purposes of Parenting
  • Transmit Values and traditions
  • Teach about God
  • Practice, develop godly qualities-yourself
  • Become refined-yourself
  • Provide protection
  • Learning
  • Contribute....
  • It's a sacred duty
And as you see most of the things on that list have to do with yourself. The point of parenting is to bring intelligent and genuinly good people into the world, yes, but I find that you yourserlf as a parent get most of the experience and learning more than your children do. Ahh I can't wait to be a parent! But still scared, haha.... yeah...
My favorite thing we talked about on this subject though was the diciplining... the fact that we should never punish them but teach them through Natural Consequences, Polite Requests, Firm Requests, "I" Message, and Logical Consequences. It's not a punishment it's a learning experience. But always make sure the consequences are safe and always try to Encourage them to do better rather than insulting and discouraging them. But don't lie to them and give them hollow compliments. Say: "Thank you for doing that for me. Can you get that for me as well because you are being so helpful?" instead of: "Oh, you're so perfect at that, you're so pretty I don't know how you ever became so pretty." 

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